Art Sessions
All our classes are about the individual and their creative process, not the end product! We focus on the individual so they may enjoy themselves to create freely without judgement. Sessions are an hour an half long on a weekly basis.
3, 4 or 5 SESSIONS
$110 per month
Available Courses
Painting & Journaling
Mondays 4:00pm | ages 7 to 16
Each month your child will have the opportunity to explore and create with a different art medium such as acrylic-paint, watercolor, oil & chalk pastels, ink and mixed media. We will also learn about a living artist who practices using the medium we explore for the month.
The classes are divided into four study groups that have 4-6 different art mediums to explore within. These studies are on a monthly rotational system where your child can jump in whichever study we are in, with no need to wait and start with Color Exploration.
Wednesdays 4:00 pm | ages 6 to 14
Color Exploration: In this course your child will be engaged in activities to explore the beauty of color while stepping into the arena of mystery & discovery on how color is born. We will be using acrylic, watercolor, oil & chalk pastels, and of course the color wheel. We will also learn the proper care for artisan tools like paint brushes, watercolor pallets, oil & chalk pastels as well as studying well known artists who have created masterpieces with these mediums. The knowledge we gain from exploring color will allow us to use them to express the world around us and our emotions as we tell stories. The last class in this course will be an open studio course where your child will be able to use as many mediums to create their own masterpiece.
Texture and movement: Through the exploration of texture & movement we will be engaging our entire body to create some masterpiece. Our work will be inspired by the work of Heather Hansen, Henry Matisse, and Jackson Pollock. We will also be listening to various types of music to move with & create while using graphite sticks, paper, & natural materials
Three-dimensional study: Through wonder & curiosity we will dive into the world of building and sculpting while using various tools & techniques to fully engage our bodies & senses. Clay, Natural & recycled materials, wire, and Papier Mache is what we will be using in this course.
Drawing: Your child will be encouraged to look closely and observe to notice details as they draw to explain what they see. We will be drawing still life portraits, self-portraits and a collaborated mural as well as studying well known artists and their masterpieces.
Art for Adults
Make some time for yourself and come to release your inner creative artist. It’s time to impress yourself by making high quality art! The studies are on a monthly rotational system so you can jump in whichever study we are in with no need to wait and start with Color Exploration.
Tuesdays 6:30 pm
Color Exploration: We will be using the color wheel to expand our knowledge & exploration for the beauty of color! In this course we will create color pallets that fit our unique style.
Expressive Line Drawing: We will be creating by allowing our emotions & feelings to guide the creation of our artwork. It will be loose, gestural, and energetic with an abstract emphasis.
Collage: With so many ways of creating collages, we will dive in and explore them all. Cut & Paste is what we will be doing during collage month!
Three-dimensional: Paper Mache & Clay is what we will be working with in the month of three-dimensional.
Material Fee is $15 for a Sketchbook
We will receive a sketchbook for the duration of the semester! This will be an integral part of our art journey. For each lesson day, there will be provocation set up as our artists come in. Our daily lessons will be supplemented with home assignments/challenges to work in their journals throughout the week. They will also be able to follow our YouTube channel if they’d wish to.
Visit Us
28578 Eridanus Dr.
Menifee CA, 92586